RTC Website

Errata and Typos

Errata and typos will be listed here as they are discovered. Please report errata and typos by submitting an issue on GitHub or by contacting Rico Picone.

  1. Page 12: “translations them” should be “translations among them”.
  2. Page 18: “is the for cube()” should be “is the prototype for cube()”
  3. Page 23: footnote 16: “which handle” should be “which handles”.
  4. Page 39: “(sections 1.1 to 1.5)” should be “(sections 1.1 to 1.6)”.
  5. Page 99: “args” should be ap (4 times).
  6. Page 107: Instead of $d_0$ through $d_9$, task durations should be $d_1$ through $d_10$. Accordingly, $d_0 = 88$ should be $d_1 = 88$ and $d_8’ = 88$ should be $d_9’ = 88$.
  7. Page 110: “but unnecessary, for a program” should be “but unnecessary for, a program”.
  8. Page 112: “to control the calls to time_it() and interpret the results.” should be “to time calls to each mean-computing function and interpret the results”.
  9. Page 124: “3+8 will be computed first” should be “3+18 will be computed first”.
  10. Page 125: Before the line “x == 7”, there should be a line “x == 1”.
  11. Page 217, figure 4.17a: both transitions to state A should include that output O goes to 0. The updated figure is below (Credit: Sawyer Fuller):

    Corrected Figure 4.17a

  12. Pages 219 and 221: stateB() function should reset K to be 0 if R is pressed. (Credit: Sawyer Fuller)
  13. Page 219, table 4.3: R is irrelevant input in rows A and C. The updated table is below (Credit: Sawyer Fuller):

    Corrected Table 4.3